Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Ride to Montauk: Whatever works.

Barbara has already signed up for the 66-mile route. Judy (of the vintage cocktail glasses) and I, upon learning that the ride snacks include bread from Balthazar, Briermere Farms pies and other delicacies, are planning to sign up for either the 30- or the 66-mile ride. But first I have to get a bike. Then I have to train. Here's one method that just might work.


Pat Rebholz said...

Hope it's not the weekend that we'll be in Northport. Pat Rebholz

Mary said...

Hi Pat, The ride is not until June 19.

Unknown said...

You slyboots!!!! You didn't tell me you had a blog, let alone a blog dedicated to drinking!
I will be following it constantly.
In the meantime, I think Martha Ivers drinks a lot. Want to watch her at one of her favorite watering holes with me? Soon?